Dentec safety
We believe the Comfort-Air NxMD is a superior option for Dentists, Hygienists and Healthcare providers for a variety of reasons. First and foremost the Environmental impact of using disposable respirators is absolutely enormous. Literally millions of disposable face masks and N95’s are ending up in landfill every single day throughout the world. By converting to a reusable respirator several healthcare networks throughout the US have realised PPE Waste Reduction by up to 95%. Allegheny Health Network in Pennsylvania is one of the most often sited cases of this success and I’d be happy to send you further information on this if your interested. Not only has Allegheny Health Network reduced their environmental impact but the cost savings of adopting a reusable respirator program has also provided them substantial cost savings in excess of 90% versus a disposable N95 program. Furthermore, Elastomeric Half Mask Respirators are significantly more comfortable versus the use of Disposable N95’s and provide a more secure air-tight seal and thus better protection versus disposable respirators. Again, I’d be happy to provide further information on this should you be interested.